I figured I would write this so I can clarify a few things but first I will go over the basics so we all start on the same page.

Rent is due on the 1st of each month and is late on the 6th, this means that you can pay your rent any time before the 5th without incurring any late fees. When I come into the office on the 6th we enter all checks that were dropped off over night and all the people who haven't paid yet will get late fees. Rent is generally considered to be the most important expense that people have as it secures a place to live so if rent is late I assume none of your bills are paid. If rent is late but I know that you just bought a new motorcycle I will know that you aren't prioritizing very well and you shouldn't be asking for favors. The late fees accrue as follows: $47 for the first day and $2/day every day after that until rent is paid or you are evicted. Yikes.


Rent can be paid online through e-checking or with the use of a card, it can be paid in person with a check or a money order, or it can be deposited through the mail slot. We do not accept cash, barter, livestock, or first born children.


If you pay with a check remember to write your unit # on the check and don't forget to sign it! If you pay with a money order the same rules apply. Another thing to note is that you do NOT sign the back of the check. That is where WE sign.


If you pay by check and it bounces you will be charged an NSF fee ($60). If it keeps happening we will no longer accept personal checks and will only take certified funds like a money order or a cashier's check.


If you pay us for water/sewer/garbage/month2month fee/garage rental/parking spot rental/ etc. you can include that with your rent, you do not need to write a separate check.


If your rent is not in the office on the 6th we will…no, scratch that, we are OBLIGATED to send you a 14 day pay or vacate notice. This is a nasty little letter that says if you don't pay us in FOURTEEN days you will be evicted. We are legally obligated to send this and the chances that we will actually evict you is pretty dang slim however, if we do not send this letter we are left with no legal recourse.


If you are going to be late with rent, JUST CALL US AND SET UP A PAYMENT PLAN! We are people and we understand that life is hard. Harder now than it has been in a long time.


Last but not least, some of you only put in maintenance requests when you pay rent like maybe you think that will make us happier to do the work. STOP DOING THIS!!! WE ARE ALWAYS HAPPY TO PERFORM MAINTENANCE. You do not need to bank them all till the first of the month just let us know as soon as something goes wrong. I know a lot of you haven't had that experience with past landlords but we are different. You DO pay rent and you are entitled to live in a nice unit with working everything.


Thanks Bunches

Austin Caylor