Well this sucks.

I think it sucks for everyone except our dogs. Anyways, I’ll get to the point. Here are some things you should know regarding Island Properties and Covid-19.

~We will not be charging any late fees nor will anyone be getting evicted over this for the time being.

~We are not doing non-emergency maintenance for the foreseeable future. PLEASE still put in your work orders. We will of course continue to perform emergency maintenance. If you aren’t sure which is which, call us! :-)

~We are no longer allowing visitors inside the office and ask that you communicate via phone, email, or text and pay through the mails slots or online.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us

Here are some other things to know:

  • You don’t need to hoard toilet paper and hand sanitizer. It’s inconsiderate and not very smart

  • Please do not leave your house unless you absolutely have to.

  • If you do leave the house, touch nothing, stay 6ft from other at all times, and cough into your elbow. In fact, if you are coughing you should cough into your house where you belong.

  • Be kind to the people that are still working, especially grocery store employees and medical staff. If you get food from a restaurant you better tip like a rock star.

  • Get you COVID-19 info from the CDC or the World Health Organisation (WHO). NOT THE NEWS.

That’s all for now.