Missives from the Blog Cabin– Introduction of The New Guy


(this blog was originally published in May, 2017)

Greetings, All!

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Austin Caylor and I am the most recent addition to the Island Properties family. I will be answering phones, stuffing various papers into your doors when you aren’t looking, and writing this blog. Now, I know what you are thinking, “Can I possibly endure the excitement of a property management related blog?” The answer is “NO”! Well, at least not easily, but I intend to entertain as well as inform.

Some of the topics I will cover in the coming installments include things to know pre move-in, property management law, tenant and landlord responsibilities, and some other important stuff and some not so important stuff as well. Again, I realize that reading a blog about property management law sounds about as fun as treading on Legos so I will endeavor to keep things interesting.


Anyhoo, thanks for reading and keep an eye on the blog section at www.clarkcountyrental.com for more.


Austin J. M. Caylor