Greetings loyal followers!


I thought I would take a minute to address the throngs of people who faithfully follow my writings and discuss some of the changes you might be seeing around here. As you have no doubt surmised, we have updated our web presence and have adopted a new, more modern look. The changes enacted here are not merely aesthetic, however. We have increased functionality and support as well as added more effective levels of search engine optimization. All this is for you, my loyal subjects. You are welcome, you earned it.



While some things are different some things also remain the same, like the ever-popular tenant portal. Why throw the baby out with the bathwater, eh? This means that you will still be able to log on using your current credentials and pay your rent or schedule a maintenance visit as you always have. Another thing that shall of course remain are my blogs. I would never rob you of that pleasure.


Speaking of blogs, you may notice that there aren't that many blogs up on the page.  I will be fixing this by re-uploading my previous blogs to the website as well as continuing with my weekly installments. I am still learning the ins and outs of the new website so you will need to bear with me while I do.




So that's it for the time being, thank you for listening once again and remember, keep your eyes here for more new blogs and all your old favorites!