Late Rent, Payment Plans, and the Moratorium on Evictions

As many of you might have noticed everything is terrible and nobody except Jeff Bezos has any money. Covid has run amok in our communities and cost a lot of people their lives, health and at the very least, their jobs. As a response to this the federal guv't has placed a moratorium on evictions. This means you cannot get evicted for non-payment. The problem with this is once the moratorium is lifted this October a lot of people will still be behind on their payments and may face eviction after all. I don't know how other landlords are handling this but I do know how we are handling it. If you are behind on your rent, please listen up because this is directed at you.


If you are behind on your rent than I have tried to contact you multiple times to set up a payment plan. The reason I am doing this is because anyone who is behind but has a payment plan won't have to worry about being evicted. After all, evictions cost money and if a tenant is doing their best and making payments then I see no reason to be punitive. If you are behind and you do not have a payment plan well, let's just say you should probably get a hold of me.

 The way the payment plans works is as follows:

  • A tenant who is behind requests a payment plan.

  • The payment plan is created and the tenant agrees to pay their standard monthly charge plus a portion of the past due amount every month until it is paid off.

  • The tenant pays what they agreed to pay.

  • That’s it. That’s the whole process.

Some things to remember:

  • You can still be evicted for being a health or safety hazard.

  • We do not want to evict anybody. If you work with us then we will work with you.

  • Everything is going to be okay.

If you have any questions or concerns please give us a call and hopefully we can put your mind at ease.