How to Drive


It occured to me recently as I was being run off the road by a gentleman in a large truck talking on his cellphone that many people living in the Portland/Vancouver area do not know how to drive. They have vehicles, they have driver's licenses, and they have places to go but it seems as though they are just winging it once they leave the drive way. So in the interest of self-preservation I have decided to educate the masses on some of the finer points. I know this is difficult for a lot of people so I will take it slow and try to make it easy for you with lots of pictures! First stop: BLINKERS!



The image above is of a device that you probably have in your car and always wondered what it was. It's called an "indicator stalk", "Turn Signal", or "Blinker". This device, when activated, causes little lights on the rear and front corners of the car to flash indicating which direction you intend to turn. If you drive a luxury car (especially a BMW) you have never used this. Please start.



This diagram is of a Roundabout. A roundabout is a four-way intersection without stop signs, SO DON"T STOP UNLESS YOU HAVE TO! Seriously they are better than four-way stops they all go in the same direction and sometime they are multi-lane. I need you to study this diagram.

lane zip.jpg


OK this is a point of contention among many people: How to properly merge in traffic. I know it seems like a jerk move to drive all the way to the end of the merge lane before getting into traffic but it is the correct method. If you try to merge early you will end up slowing down traffic and I will hate you. The idea behind this is to alternate cars and come together like a zipper. Please study this diagram as well.




The above image is you. Following me. 3 FEET AWAY FROM MY BUMPER! Fun Fact: Did you know that if you follow really closely behind the car in front of you it does NOT actually make you arrive faster? Crazy right!?!?! It's totally true!! Also, you should know that I WILL brake-check you. I don't like my car that much.



Does it sound like I am little irked? I am. I moved here from the country where people knew how to drive and I didn't have to take my life in my hands just to get some tacos. Don't get me wrong, I will die for a taco but I would rather not because then there would be no more tacos.

