Valentines Sure is Great! By Newly Single Guy



Here at the Blog Cabin we firmly believe in the collaborative effort and periodically we encourage guest authors to submit content to our prestigious blog. Starting this week we will begin featuring some new contributors and give them a space to share their ideas with us. Our first guest is Newly Single Guy and He will be writing about why he loves Valentine's Day! Exciting!


Valentines Sure is Great!

By Newly Single Guy



Hello All! Newly Single Guy here to talk about all the best things about February's best holiday! Now I know what you are thinking, "What could a single guy have to say about Valentine's Day? Why would he care?" Well, if you would shut up I can tell you, silly!

Think about your average valentine's day: flowers, restaurant reservations, pitching woo from dawn till dusk, overpriced chocolates, etc. etc.  Now think back to when you started dating: flowers, restaurant reservations, pitching woo from dawn till dusk, overpriced chocolates, etc. etc…  Notice something? I do, I did all those things so I could win myself a girl, she did similar things and it was nice but it really isn’t sustainable which is why we stopped doing all that nonsense once we settled down. We found comfort in the everyday and the small moments. We created a mutually beneficial life together that involved taking turns on the dishes. We still went on dates and bought gifts home to each other. Everything was great. Then Valentine's Day came along and I had to win her all over again! She was no longer satisfied as she was only days before, now I must repeat the process all over as if to say, "Hey look, I still like you and want you around!" as if spending Christmas with her idiot family wasn't enough to prove that. I found myself scrambling to plan something spontaneous and romantic even though the amount of romance I experience is inversely proportionate to the amount of times I have to pull out my wallet. It was difficult because all the dates and gifts that took place over the year had to be surpassed on that day. A dangerous precedent was set and I failed.

But as a Newly Single Guy things are a little different.  Talk about a delightful, rewarding, no pressure holiday! I only have to cook one steak dinner and it will be exactly how I like it. I don't have to buy chocolate because I don't really care for sweets. I won't have to put on nice clothes and drive into town because my date would much rather stay home and play Witcher 3 and because I care about my date I will let me do that all day long. I will drink beer in the morning and scotch at night. I will eat steak and potatoes and skip the dang rabbit food. I will do everything my date wanted and it will be perfect for me. It’s the kind of day I could repeat all year. You wanna repeat Valentines with your sweetheart every day of the year? I didn't think so. I rest my case.

Now you might think that reason I am a Newly Single Guy is because all I wanted to do was day drink and play video games and you would be right, that is all I wanted to do and apparently that was a bad thing. Now that I am Newly Single Guy it's a good thing and I never get tired of it.  They say you will never make another person happy until you can make yourself happy and I agree but there is a problem with that; now that I have made myself happy, what do I need other people for? Anyways, I have day-drinking to attend to. Tah for now!