Hello all [7] of my faithful followers, it's that time of year again when everybody gets sick and brings it to work. It's also that time of the week when I need to have a blog done before I leave at 3:30 so I may have to phone this in. Is anybody even reading this? If you read these, call the office, ask for Austin and tell me you read the blog. I'll buy you a Frosty at Wendy's, chocolate only, I do not recognize vanilla as a real Frosty. (Only 1 winner. I'm not made of frosty's, people.)
How to Avoid Getting the Cold/Flu
The best way to avoid getting sick is to NEVER leave your house. You may think this a bit extreme but I assure you it is worth it. How can you get sick if you don't mingle with the unwashed masses?
Another great way to avoid the rampant spread of disease is to only be friends with animals. Think about it, has a doggo or kitteh ever given you a cold? Of course not, they love you too much. The love of a dog is unconditional, if you do not believe me try the following test: Lock your dog and your significant other in the trunk of your car for 6 hours and then see who is happy to see you when you open it up again. The dog really is (hu)man's best friend. Your boyfriend is a slob who is totally going to give you a cold because he doesn't wash his hands.
My final suggestion for avoiding the cold/flu is investing in a quality Hazmat suit. People may laugh but who really gets the last laugh? You do, through a bio filter so it sounds like Darth Vadar.
Contrary to popular belief, laughter is NOT the best medicine. The best medicine is time and Netflix and that fuzzy blanket and tea and spicy pho. We covered pho last week and you need to get with the program if you still haven't tried it.
Another option is to take a bunch of vitamin c and zinc. They won't help but you will feel like you are doing something and that is always nice.